Getting Started with Training a Caffe Object Detection Inference Network
Applicable products
Application note description
This application note describes how to install SSD-Caffe on Ubuntu and how to train and test the files needed to create a compatible network inference file for Firefly-DL.
Installing SSD-Caffe on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04
We strongly recommend you start with a fresh Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 system.
1. Install NCSDK (
a. To download this version, in terminal use the following:
git clone -b v2.05.00.02 --single-branch |
b. To install, navigate to the ncsdk- folder and use the following:
$ make install |
Note: If using Ubuntu 18.04, open file, on Line 32 replace 1604 with 1804.
c. By default, caffe is installed under the directory “/opt/movidius/caffe”. Set this as the $CAFFE_ROOT:
$ echo "export CAFFE_ROOT=/opt/movidius/caffe/" >> ~/.profile |
$ export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/opt/movidius/caffe/python" |
2. Install Boost:
$ sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev |
3. Install all the necessary packages for Caffe:
$ sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libboost-all-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libopenblas-dev \ |
4. Install all the necessary Python packages:
$ pip3 install scikit-image protobuf |
5. Make a copy of the file Makefile.config.example:
$ cd $CAFFE_ROOT/ |
Note: You can also use vim or Text Editor to edit.
6. Modify Makefile.config as below:
a. Uncomment Line 8: CPU_ONLY := 1
b. Uncomment Line 21: OPENCV_VERSION := 3
c. On our test setup, we used python 3.6. To ensure that the makefile is configurated to use python 3.6, uncomment and modify Line 76 - 78 to below:
PYTHON_LIBRARIES := boost_python3 python3.6m |
d. Save and Exit.
7. Check the name of the hdf5 library and hdf5_hl library. It may vary depending on the Ubuntu version.
$ cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ |
8. Note the libraries that are present on your system. Note that the postfixes of hdf5 and hdf5_hl are not always the same. Then make a link to them:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ |
9. In MakeFile.config, modify Line 92 and 93 to the following:
INCLUDE_DIRS := $(PYTHON_INCLUDE) /usr/local/include /usr/include/hdf5/serial/ |
10. Navigate to $CAFFE_ROOT folder and make:
$ cd $CAFFE_ROOT |
Each make command might take a few minutes to finish.
11. Open /opt/movidius/caffe/src/caffe/util/math_functions.cpp
$ sudo gedit $CAFFE_ROOT/src/caffe/util/math_functions.cpp |
12. Replace the function caffe_rng_uniform() at Line 247 to:
void caffe_rng_uniform(const int n, Dtype a, Dtype b, Dtype* r) { |
13. Run the command below:
$ make pycaffe |
14. To confirm the installation, import caffe in python3.6:
$ python3.6 |
Training and testing
Once ssd-caffe is properly set up, you can train your data to generate the .caffemodel and .prototxt files necessary to create a compatible network inference file for Firefly-DL.
Preparing data
1. Follow Preparation - Step 2 and 3 at to generate the LMDB files at:
$HOME/data/VOCdevkit/VOC0712/lmdb/VOC0712_trainval_lmdb (Size: around 1.8GB) |
2. Since we are using python3, in /opt/movidius/caffe/data/VOC0712/
- On Line 24 change “python” to “python3”
3. If you get the error “python3 can’t open file No such file or directory”:
a. Make the following changes to
- Change line 1 to:
cur_dir=$(pwd) |
- Change line 2 to:
root_dir=$cur_dir |
b. Run the script again from the $CAFFE_ROOT directory.
The labelmap_voc.prototxt file is generated in the directory “/opt/movidius/caffe/data/VOC0712”. The labelmap_voc.prototxt file lists the objects to be detected, and can be used to create the label file to be uploaded to the FFY_DL camera.
The file voc0712_detection_labels.txt for this example can downloaded from:
Preparing training scripts and other files
1. Download training scripts (for MobileNet-SSD model):
$ cd $CAFFE_ROOT/examples |
A 'MobileNet-SSD' folder is created in '/opt/movidius/caffe/examples' with the code from the original MobileNet-SSD repo for retraining and testing.
2. Generate your own training (train/test/deploy) prototxt files:
$ cd MobileNet-SSD |
CLASSNUM is the number of classes in your dataset. It is also reflected in labelmap_voc.prototxt file. In this example for VOC0712 dataset, CLASSNUM = 21.
Three files are generated:
- MobileNetSSD_train.prototxt
- MobileNetSSD_test.prototxt
- MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt
These are saved in the "/opt/movidius/caffe/examples/MobileNet-SSD/example/" directory.
3. Create symlinks to lmdb data:
$ cd $CAFFE_ROOT/examples/MobileNet-SSD |
In this example:
PATH_TO_YOUR_TRAIN_LMDB is: $HOME/data/VOCdevkit/VOC0712/lmdb/VOC0712_trainval_lmdb
PATH_TO_YOUR_TEST_LMDB is: $HOME/data/VOCdevkit/VOC0712/lmdb/VOC0712_test_lmdb
Under the “/opt/movidius/caffe/examples/MobileNet-SSD" directory, there are two symlink folders named “trainval_lmdb” and “test_lmdb” that point to your training data folder and test data folder, respectively.
Note: You can also use vim or Text Editor to edit.
1. Modify training scripts for CPU-ONLY training:
$ sudo gedit solver_train.prototxt |
a. Change line 13 to:
solver_mode: CPU |
b. Save.
2. Edit
$ sudo gedit |
a. Comment out the last line:
#-gpu 0 |
b. Save.
3. Run to train your own model:
$ ./ |
Training can take a long time, but you can temporarily pause the training by pressing “Ctrl+C”.
Two output files are generated:
- mobilenet_iter_*.caffemodel
- mobilenet_iter_*.solverstate
These are saved in the "/opt/movidius/caffe/examples/MobileNet-SSD/snapshot" directory.
The more iterations you train for, the higher accuracy can be achieved. We have tested mobilenet_iter_1000 (1000 iterations), and have achieved good results.
The mobilenet_iter_*.caffemodel and MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt files are needed for conversion. These are in the "/opt/movidius/caffe/examples/MobileNet-SSD/example/" directory.For conversion, follow the steps in Example 2 in Getting Started with Firefly-DL in Linux.
Testing (optional)
1. Modify testing scripts for CPU-ONLY testing:
$ sudo gedit solver_test.prototxt |
a. Change line 1 to:
train_net: "example/MobileNetSSD_train.prototxt" |
b. Change line 2 to:
test_net: "example/MobileNetSSD_test.prototxt" |
c. Change line 13 to:
solver_mode: CPU |
d. Save.
2. Edit
$ sudo gedit |
a. Comment out the last line:
#-gpu 0 |
b. Save.
3. Run to test your own model, which can take a long time as well:
$ ./ |