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Cerberus® XL

Multi-Sensor Counter UAS Solution

Cerberus XL C-UAS is a rugged, state of the art integrated system, with high performance, long-range Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) sensors, proven for rapid deployment in austere environments. It provides unmanned perimeter and border UAS situational awareness and multi-mission security. The fully integrated solution includes radar, EO/IR, and RF detection and mitigation for both ground and air threats, including Group 1 and 2 UAS, with a robust command and control system and AI/ML interface. Cerberus XL C-UAS is sensor and C-UAS effector agnostic.

Cerberus® XL

Multi-sensor Surveillance and Air Domain Awareness Solution

Cerberus XL is a rugged, trailer-based integrated long-range mobile surveillance air domain awareness system that rapidly deploys in austere and challenging environments to provide unmanned remote perimeter, and border situational awareness and security. Cerberus XL is a fully integrated solution that includes radar and EO/IR. All sensors are fully integrated into a an easy to deploy and transport trailer platform and includes client laptop with Teledyne FLIR Cameleon user interface and operating system installed and configured for customer surveillance, and security missions.






広大な遠隔地の国境、海岸線、前線基地を保護するには、スピード、可動性、柔軟性が必要です。また、限られた数の人員力を最大化することも重要です。スキッド・ベースの LVSS は、次世代のモバイル監視ソリューションです。フルサイズの商業用集荷を、展開可能なコマンド・アンド・コントロール・センターに迅速に変換します。LVSSには、レーダーとEO /IR カメラが約5メートルのマストに取り付けられているため、密輸、テロ、不法移民を—昼夜を問わず防ぐために、ミッション全体にわたって効率的な監視範囲を提供します。